SoftTransit — aid in the fast-changing world of digital tools

Daria P.
3 min readJun 21, 2021


The past 2 years were unprecedented in many ways. One of which was the enormous push to digital spaces and tools development, since so many had to abstain from face-to-face communication. New platforms and apps started pop-up like mushrooms after a rain. This is amazing, but also challenging for the end-user — an employee under a pump of quite harsh circumstances already, who is also now required to adopt more and more new tools faster and faster.

Apps development took off with unseen before speed, but what’s up with the users' uptake? It could be not a problem for those grown-up glued to a screen, but it’s not the case for many. It is frustrating when the tools you developed high skills for are getting replaced or being made redundant and you are suddenly at the starting line of the race again. But there is a couple of comforting trends inside this overwhelming snowball of digital innovations:

  • There’s no plagiarism in the UX world, there is no place for a designer ego — the user is the king. Successful features, once proven to be such are getting adopted and spread like a wildfire across apps and platforms valuing their users.
  • Everything new is well forgotten old. This[Medium] is a reborn blogging platform and I feel a weird warmth as I’m writing here, being one of the old school LiveJournal users in the past. All the new apps and platforms are piggybacking on something already existing or existed out there, which you probably familiar with and don’t suspect the correlation.

So this new thing might not that new and not that scary. That’s what SoftTransit is aimed at revealing by providing an opportunity for users to embark on a new Interface employing already existing knowledge about another interface of a similar kind in a concise “show me where this button is” manner. This also puts it in a separate category from standalone software tutorials and courses having elaborate explanation with no reference to whatever the user might already know.

Steps of the project development

Plotting the usage context
Paper prototype
First draft and user testing

The Prototype

A short video-intro about the app.


There are a lot of features I had in mind for this project but unfortunately didn’t have enough time to implement, but I see a lot of potential behind this idea :) The main benefit I see is you don’t need to install the software to see what it’s capable of. It’s like a forever available trial + tutorial.

Thank you

